Compassionate Funeral Home Answering Service that Cares About Your Clients.
In a world of automation, voicemails, emails, and texts, it is easy to forget the power of the human voice - especially when it comes to dealing with clients whose family members or loved ones passed away. As the owner or office manager of a funeral home, you understand this.
At Dexcomm, we understand it, too. We have served the funeral home industry for over 65 years. Our staff at Dexcomm receives advanced training to specifically serve the funeral home industry. Employees are hired with the expectation that d values reflect those in the industry: compassion and concern for others. Our 65 years of serving this industry has allowed us to create tried and tested solutions that streamline your workflow and increase your profit margins.

Client-Backed Results
“I have used others (Answering Services) in the past and there is no comparison. The training your operators receive and the way they are able to adapt to who they are talking with, especially in such a difficult time in the caller’s life, is the difference. The personal way the phones are handled is miles above what we have used before. We are happy to be back with Dexcomm.”
“We love the service that we get from Dexcomm. We have used them since we opened and would not consider anyone else. If you are looking for an answering service you can depend on every time, look no further than the great folks at Dexcomm.”