There are many groups on Facebook, but we couldn't find one that focused specifically on customer service in call centers. So, Dexcomm created one!
Who Should Join This Customer Service Facebook Group?
Our Facebook Group, "Customer Service For Your Call Center" is a space for:
- Call center managers
- Office Managers
- Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)
- Business Owners
- Receptionists
- And anyone looking to improve the customer service in their call center
to ask questions and share solutions for providing excellent customer service to callers over the phone.
In addition to serving as customer service forum, the group will also provide weekly industry tips and knowledge to help its members better their customer experience (CX) and grow their businesses.
If you are looking for additional training for your call center employees, or want to stay up to date on the latest trends in the customer service industry, Customer Service For Your Call Center is the Facebook Group for you!
What Kind of Content is in This Call Center Facebook Group?
We encourage our group members to ask questions and share helpful and industry-related information with others.
Some members share helpful tips like this member below who brought attention to a helpful web series from ATSI (Association of Teleservices International).
Is This Group For Dexcomm Questions & Concerns?
While our current customers are more than welcome to join this Facebook group, this group is not a place for customers to reach out when needing help with their account.
Our team is eager to answer all customer questions and concerns via a phone call (337-236-8300) or by visiting our Contact Us page.
How Do I Join?
Ready to join our customer service Facebook group and start improving the customer service in your call center or business? Follow this link and request to join! A group admin will approve your request soon!