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Selling to a Skeptic: 5 Tips to Help You Close On the Leads We Capture

Written by Katie Atkins | Nov 14, 2022 2:45:00 PM

The first part of any sale is to capture a lead. To do that, you will first need to provide them with an excellent customer service experience the second they interact with you. With Dexcomm, you can be certain that every customer that calls your business will be greeted with a friendly live operator ready to usher them along to you for your big sales pitch. Now they’re ready to hear what you have to say, and it’s time for you to take the stage.

But then, you hit a roadblock. You’re trying to pitch to your new potential client, but they’re just not convinced. Maybe they don’t believe your product really works. Maybe they aren’t clear about what it is you’re offering. Or maybe they just straight up don’t trust you. What can you do to win them over when they’re not budging? Here are a few tips to help you build rapport and turn that skeptic into a satisfied customer. 

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1. Know What You’re Selling

If you’re not quite sure what it is you’re selling, your prospect won’t be either! You should be familiar with every aspect of how your product or service works, what its purpose is, what it can do for your potential customer, and what differentiates your product from your competitors’. 

  1. Knowing your product thoroughly will help you appear more authoritative and credible. People are more likely to trust you if they think you’re the expert. You should also be familiar with your company’s brand guidelines. Establishing consistency will help keep you on track. 
  2. Encourage questions and have answers ready. You should be able to provide prospects with as much information as they request to help them make an informed decision. You should also be equipped with precise reasons why they should pick your product over your competitors’. 
  3. Plan ahead by familiarizing yourself beforehand with any objections or concerns that a skeptic might bring up. This way you won’t be caught off guard with any difficult questions that they may ask.


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2. Offer Concrete Evidence

People are more likely to get on board with a product or service if they can see it working in action. Even the most hardcore skeptics can’t deny their own eyes!

  1. Offer statistics, infographics, case studies, or other measurable data that confirms your product works. Numbers are pretty convincing!
  2. Offer testimonials from previous satisfied customers. If your prospect sees that someone else liked your product, that means there’s potential for them to like it too.
  3. If possible, offer a product demonstration. Or, even better, offer a free trial so your prospect can see the results for themselves. People love free stuff, and allowing them to experience your product can be just what they need to choose it. Money-back guarantees or a clear return policy can also entice a skeptic to give your product a go.


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3. Be Transparent

The quickest way to lose a potential customer is by appearing dishonest. This is why you should always strive for as much transparency as you can when trying to win them over. If your prospect feels that you have nothing to hide, then they will generally feel that they have nothing to fear.

  1. Avoid using complex jargon or buzzwords that can obstruct clear communication with your prospect. Always be as straightforward as you can.
  2. Be specific, but also be concise. Don’t bore your prospect by rambling on and on. Long-windedness can make it look like you’re just beating around the bush. Have an idea of the most important things you want to say.
  3. Don’t evade questions. Be careful to never appear like you are keeping anything secret from your potential customer. This includes honesty about possible issues or downsides with your product or service. It may seem counterintuitive to admit faults to your prospect, much less one that’s already skeptical, but doing so will demonstrate that you are trustworthy and won’t lead them astray. If you’re telling the truth about the downsides, you must also be telling the truth about the benefits!


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4. Don't Be Pushy

Nobody likes to feel pressured. A quick way to alienate a potential customer is to act desperate for their money. If you’re begging a prospect to buy from you, it’s pretty easy for them to imagine that you’re probably not making a lot of sales. After all, would someone with a successful product really need to force people to use it?

  1. Don’t make your prospect feel like they aren’t allowed to say no. Don’t make them feel like they’re trapped.
  2. Don’t spam them over and over again with constant calls and emails. Follow-ups and check-ins are definitely important in the sales process, but no one should ever be harassed. Be sure to keep things reasonable and take the hint if they stop engaging with you. 
  3. If a prospect does tell you no, be respectful. Don’t get mad at them or try to make them feel bad. Remember, just because someone says no now doesn’t mean they can’t say yes in the future. Maintaining a positive relationship with your prospect even after a rejection will keep you on good terms with them and leave the opportunity open for them to potentially come back to you down the road if they ever change their mind.


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5. Most of All...Focus on Your Prospect!

Your prospect should feel like the star of the show, that their concerns and user experience are the most important focus. They should feel respected, listened to, and understood. You are selling a product, but you should also be striving to sell a relationship with it. You want a customer for life, so it’s important to make sure they feel accommodated.

  1. Personalize each pitch for your prospect. Keep things consistent, but don’t offer a one-size-fits-all experience. Every prospect is unique, and your pitches should be tailored to each one.
  2. Make use of commonalities between yourself and your prospect. Prospects are more likely to trust people that they can relate to. That being said, don’t lie to them trying to force a connection if there isn’t one. Keep things authentic.
  3. Get to know your prospects. Learn their names, listen to their specific concerns, and understand their stories and what brought them to you. Let them know you’re here to help them, not just make a sale. Make them feel heard. 

Convincing a skeptic is tough, but not impossible. They may take more effort, but that will just make it all the more satisfying when you do finally win them over. With these tips, you can face the challenge with grace and confidence. A skeptic doesn’t have to be a dead end! Consider partnering with Dexcomm to take the load off of capturing new leads so that you can focus on that sweet, sweet sale.