Customer Service Blog | Dexcomm Answering Services

Everything You Should Know About Partnership Relationships in Business

Written by Kennedy McNabb | Feb 23, 2022 7:00:00 PM


Have you ever done business with someone who really had no regard for your needs, or who didn’t care about any questions you might have had? Whether you need reams of paper brought to your office monthly or a way to grow your clientele, it’s important to do business with people that you can trust to deliver on their promises. This “trust” can only be established if you come to develop a partnership with a business. Read on to understand how Dexcomm defines a partnership relationship and everything it entails.



What is a partnership relationship?

Simply put, a partnership relationship means that each business involved recognizes and supports the other’s goals. Though the two might not share the exact same goals, each party is mutually committed to the other’s success. The only way to support the other’s ambitions is to understand them; thus, a partnership is born in which the two grow together by seeking to understand each other’s values and plans for the future.



Why pursue a partnership relationship?

In a partnership, the party you’re working with will look out for you in various areas to help you achieve your goals, as opposed to only you and your company working to do so. In this way, support doubles when it comes to reaching your targets.

Instead of a more transactional relationship in which a business is just trying to take your money, or even just trying to “win,” a partnership benefits everyone. By doing business with people you can trust and who have your best interest in mind, it’s easier to avoid those relationships in which you’ll simply “be taken for granted or taken for a ride.” With a partnership relationship, you could save time, money, and stress.



Who should you pursue partnership relationships with?

We’ve all fallen victim to buying items online only for them to not function or look as we thought they would. However, this does not mean we should pursue a partnership with Amazon. You should pursue partnership relationships with any business that would fulfill a long-term need of yours. Do you need support in growing your business? What about all the tools your company needs to run? By establishing a partnership with such businesses, your company is certain to operate with less friction, and as a result, more efficiently.



Qualities of a good partner:

Care for your needs

A good partner in business cares about the things you need from them. They should care if you have any problems or confusion with what they offer, and they should be happy to work to fix the situation.


As you support your partner’s goals, they too should support yours. A good partner should work to understand your long-term plans and how they can help you get there.

Attentive listening

Listening plays a major role in any relationship, and a partnership relationship between two businesses is no exception. A good partner should truly listen to your concerns, not simply sweep them under the rug.


A business partnership won’t be much help unless each party elects to be transparent with the other. Transparency about what’s going on with both sides will minimize the chances of miscommunication and confusion.



What does a partnership look like at Dexcomm?

Here at Dexcomm, we treat every partner of ours as an individual, as each of our partners’ needs, goals, and values is unique to them. We strive to be transparent with our partners, as well as to listen intently to their needs and concerns. By way of 24/7 “award-winning live answering solutions and services,” it is our goal to help your company grow, and in allowing us to do so, you help our company to grow, too. If you’re considering Dexcomm as a business partner, click here to learn more.