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3 Reasons Oil & Gas Companies Should Give Millennials Stellar Customer Service

Written by Luna Rocha | Dec 5, 2018 7:15:00 PM

It’s hard to believe there’s an age group that finally outnumbers Baby Boomers. But Millennials – those born between 1980 and 2000 – have become the largest demographic in the country and they bring a vastly different view on life to the table. Generally, Millennials are putting off getting married and buying houses in favor of completing a quality education, traveling, and enjoying life before they settle down. They are the most “connected” generation yet, and as a result they’re more self-reliant (at least in terms of technology). They are more educated and open to new experiences, but also expect immediate gratification.

More importantly, Millennials are rapidly rising into key positions in business across the Gulf Coast region, including taking on decision-making responsibilities up and down the oil & gas exploration and distribution chain.

So it is important that companies in the oil & gas business boost customer service levels to this growing group. It all has to do with understanding who Millennials are, how they fit into your business, and how you must approach them to meet with the greatest success. Here are some reasons why it pays to provide Millennials with the best customer service:

  1. Millennials won’t hesitate to leave a company and go with a competitor. They don’t have time to waste on bad customer service. They know a competitor is right around the corner that can provide them with equal or better service. And the stats are there to prove it. According to Entrepreneur, more than half of Millennials leave a company every single year; one quarter of them will leave after just one bad experience; by the third, 82% of them will leave. As service unit, for example, you don’t want that “bad experience” to be the fact that they can’t get the answers they need from you when they call; you certainly don’t want to miss out because you didn’t answer the phone or even worse, had someone answer the phone in a rushed and unprofessional manner. Millennials are fickle that way. They will be gone before you can even call them back. Failure to provide a satisfactory phone experience can cause them to push any loyalty they may have had aside, and seek out someone else.
  2. Millennials place a high value on personal relationships and bonds. People in this age group, more so than any other, want to foster a real connection with a company. They want to know the face behind the brand, so to speak, and they want to engage with real humans on the other end of the line. In general, they will avoid calling a company, preferring to find the answers they need online. However, there are times when they have an urgent question or issue and need to connect with your company personally. Capture and nurture those opportunities to create or maintain a positive relationship, as those opportunities won’t come often. Having a friendly, caring and professional voice answer the phone, intent on solving their problems, will endear them to you. Don’t waste their time. Just make their problem go away.

  1. Millennials are on the go and want accessibility above all else. Because they’re busy with work, family and friends, Millennials don’t have time for 9 to 5 parameters. Sometimes an issue pops up at midnight. Maybe they only have time to seek out a new resource in the evening after work. Whatever the case, being accessible to them at all hours is crucial. To achieve this, you need someone to answer your phones professionally and precisely, with the ability to help them solve their problems. If you can’t do this, you might as well use voicemail - a surefire way to get Millennials to never call you again!

Dexcomm knows the Millenial age group and how to best connect with them. We get issues documented and addressed as quickly as possible so your business reputation is embellished even when you are not technically on duty. You can’t put a price on that kind of peace of mind!